Sunscreen Types: Mineral Vs Chemical

By Vivier Skin

Seeking the ultimate yet effortlessly attainable anti-aging solution? The key lies in incorporating a daily dose of SPF into your skin care regime. Yes, achieving youthful, protected skin can be that straightforward. However, a word of advice: don't settle for just any SPF. It's essential to find that perfect SPF, the one that feels tailor-made for you, as it will play a key role in your daily skin care routine. 

What is SPF and Why It's Important

First, let’s clarify why SPF is crucial to youthful, healthy skin. Among the many factors that can impact how skin ages, such as genetics, air pollution, stress and nutrition, UV exposure from the sun reigns supreme as the most detrimental to the epidermis.

As recommended by the Canadian Dermatology Association, using a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher everyday defends against UVA and UVB rays which can damage skin in different ways. The former (aka aging rays) can penetrate windows and clouds, and contribute to premature fine lines, wrinkles and sagging, while the latter are responsible for burning skin, as well as dark spots and skin cancer.

Every skin type and tone should use sunscreen daily to maintain skin health. If treatments and active ingredients – we’re talking peels, lasers, retinol or Vitamin C – are already a key part of your routine, then a sun protectant is mandatory. Shielding skin 24/7 from UV damage allows everything else you’re using to work at its optimum level. Without it, those efforts can be undone, so think of SPF as the ultimate reinforcement for your beauty investments.

As recommended by the Canadian Dermatology Association, using a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher everyday defends against UVA and UVB rays which can damage skin in different ways. The former (aka aging rays) can penetrate windows and clouds, and contribute to premature fine lines, wrinkles and sagging, while the latter are responsible for burning skin, as well as dark spots and skin cancer.

Every skin type and tone should use sunscreen daily to maintain skin health. If treatments and active ingredients – we’re talking peels, lasers, retinol or Vitamin C – are already a key part of your routine, then a sun protectant is mandatory. Shielding skin 24/7 from UV damage allows everything else you’re using to work at its optimum level. Without it, those efforts can be undone, so think of SPF as the ultimate reinforcement for your beauty investments.

Additionally, reapplication of sunscreen is imperative for sustained protection throughout the day. While many apply sunscreen once in the morning and assume all-day protection, this can leave skin vulnerable. Factors like sweat, swimming, or regular activities can diminish sunscreen effectiveness. Therefore, consistent reapplication every two hours, or more frequently if sweating or swimming, is vital to maintain continuous defense against UV damage.

Different Types of Sunscreens – Mineral vs Chemicals

Now that you know why it’s so important to use sun protection daily, let’s help you find an SPF suitable for your skin needs. Finding the right formula for you is the secret to creating a consistent sun protection habit, and good habits lead to gorgeous results! Beyond knowing your preference for a cream or lotion, it’s important to know there are two types of sunscreens to consider: mineral and chemical.

Mineral Sunscreen Explained

Mineral sunscreens, also known as physical sunscreens, contain active mineral ingredients such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. They work by sitting on the skin's surface and reflecting or scattering UV radiation away. Mineral sunscreens are effective immediately upon application and are less likely to cause irritation, making them suitable for sensitive skin types and children. They provide broad-spectrum protection.

Chemical Sunscreen Explained

Chemical sunscreens absorb into the skin and then absorb UV rays, convert the rays into heat, and release them from the body. The active ingredients in chemical sunscreens can include avobenzone, octinoxate, and oxybenzone, among others.

In the past, chemical sunscreens have been more accessible for all skin tones to use because they minimized or eliminated white cast, but innovation in mineral formulations has come a long way. Today, you’ll find lightweight, blendable options that won’t leave a white cast available in both categories.

How to Choose the Sunscreen

Selecting the perfect sunscreen is an art that balances protection with personal preference, blending the science of skin care with the nuances of individual needs and desires.

It's about finding a formula that offers broad-spectrum protection, safeguarding your skin from the full spectrum of harmful UVA and UVB rays, while also feeling like a natural extension of your daily routine. This delicate equilibrium involves considering the Sun Protection Factor (SPF), which should be 30 or higher for effective defense, and tailoring this choice to your lifestyle, whether you spend long hours outdoors or need a lightweight formula for daily use under makeup.

Bottom line is - the right sunscreen feels comfortable on your skin, blends well without leaving a white cast or greasiness, and compliments your skin care and makeup routine rather than complicating it.

In the Vivier collection you can find SPFs that offer just that:

SHEER SPF 30 Mineral Tinted

This mineral sunscreen not only protects against UV rays with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide but also evens out your skin tone thanks to ChromaTint Technology. It works by utilizing specialized pigments that adapt to the skin's natural undertones, resulting in a more uniform and radiant complexion and delivering no-makeup/natural appearance. It's great for all skin types, including acne-prone, rosacea, and hyperpigmented skin, thanks to its non-comedogenic and gentle formula


Broad Spectrum: For those looking for more substantial protection, this sunscreen combines mineral and chemical filters for an SPF of 45, enhanced with shea butter and silica for a light, non-greasy feel. Suitable for all skin types, it provides robust protection for extended outdoor activities or higher sun exposure areas.

SHEER SPF 30 Mineral

Offering a sheer, lightweight finish, this sunscreen is versatile for all skin tones, especially sensitive or reactive skin. Its lightweight texture is ideal for daily use, ensuring comfortable wear without the typical white cast of mineral sunscreens.


Ultimately, finding your perfect sunscreen is a blend of science and personal preference. Understanding sun protection basics and heeding your skin’s cues are essential. It's a quest for finding a product that not only protects but also pleases, making sunscreen application a moment of self-care rather than a chore. This process, while potentially daunting at first, leads to the discovery of a product that fits seamlessly into your life, offering protection and comfort.


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Is SPF 30 Enough: Understanding Sunscreen Protection