Chemical Peels
what are peels
Chemical Peels are a liquid exfoliation treatments that are ideal for rejuvenation of the skin, resulting in improved elasticity, texture, and tone for an overall corrective and preventative anti-aging effect.
how it works
Over time, our skin develops a build up of dead skin that clogs pores and results in dry looking, patchy skin. Peels are effective at removing this build up, so that your skin is left feeling smooth and radiant.
Our Vivier™ and Dermalogica™ peels are resurfacing treatments that safely cause controlled exfoliation of damaged skin. Fine lines, pigmentation, and acne are noticably improved. Peels are a gentle yet effective treatment to help brighten tone and soften texture, leaving you feeling radiant.
why this treatment?
Chemical peels offer a non-invasive and minimal downtime approach to effectively exfoliate the skin giving immediate and lasting results. Superficial to mild grades of acne can be improved and preventative, pigmentary conditions like post acne pigmentation (PIHP) and Melasma are lightened and more even. Tone is improved and the texture is softer.
From the first treatment you will notice improvement of overall fresher and glowing skin. Chemical Peels are recommended in a series of treatments. Treatments are done every 4 weeks for optimal results and skin health maintenance.
the process
A thorough, exfoliating cleanse to the skin is the first step in a chemical peel protocol. We visually assess the freshly cleansed skin and evaluate conditions to select a safe and appropriate peel. The skin is then wiped with a degreasing solution to aide in even peel penetration. A liquid solution(s) of Alpha hydroxy and/or Beta hydroxy acids are applied to the skin in a precise pattern with multiple layers as an option. During the peel application, it is normal and to be expected that you will feel a tingling, itching, warming sensation like a sunburn. This mild discomfort is alleviated with the use of a handheld fan.
Different peels require different post procedure steps. Our Vivier™ peels are self-neutralizing and will be left on the skin for at least 8-12 hours without cleansing. Our Dermalogica™ peels will be neutralized in clinic with protective skin care applied before you leave your appointment. It is very important to follow aftercare instructions to limit peel reactivation and minimize irritation.
Superficial peels require minimal downtime of a few days with skin redness, tightness and mild flaking and/or peeling. Mild depth peels require approximately a week in downtime with expected redness, tightness, and moderate flaking and/or peeling. The flaking and peeling process is the skin’s response to the induced injury created and is essential for epidermal regeneration.

what to expect
How should I prepare for my procedure?
Avoid retinols, waxing and exfoliants 3-5 days prior to appointment.
How long will the treatment take?
Approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Is there anything I should avoid post-procedure?
Avoid intensive workouts or sweating, steam for 24 hours. Exfoliants/retinols and waxing for 3-5 days. Some people may experience skin flaking or peeling, DO NOT pick or pull skin allow skin to shed on its own..
Can I continue my regular skin care routine?
Downtime is minimal, however allow 1 week to fully resume regular skin care routine depending on products in your regime.
How long after my appointment will my follow up appointment take place?
We recommend repeating treatment in 4-6 weeks.

ready for a more beautiful you?
Please give us a call for more information or to book an appointment.