Biopsy Clinic
biopsy clinic for wart removal and more
Our medical staff is qualified to safely and effectively extract skin cancers, suspicious skin lesions, skin tags, and remove warts.
If you have noticed a troubling growth on your skin, we can examine it and if necessary, remove it, putting your mind at ease at our private clinic in St. Albert.
warning signs
While we strongly advise you to get it checked out regardless, you can also get a general idea on your skin’s condition by looking for the following warning signs:
A - asymmetry (sides do not match)
B - border (irregular)
C - colour (abnormal/changing)
D - Diameter (typically larger than the 6 mm of a pencil eraser end)
E - evolution (changing)

ready for a more beautiful you?
Book a complimentary consultation to have our highly-qualified medical staff examine any skin growths you have to make sure you and your skin are safe and healthy.