what is dermaplaning
Dermaplaning is a noninvasive, virtually painless method of exfoliation and skin rejuvenation using a dermaplaning blade.
A chemical free treatment, Dermaplaning can be performed in our St. Albert clinic with minimal downtime, leaving your skin feeling immediately refreshed, smooth, supple and vibrant.
For the week or so after your treatment, your skin will be particularly receptive to anything that you apply, so take advantage of the skin’s open pores and liberally apply treatment serums followed by a protective barrier moisturizer.
how it works
Our certified estheticians use a sterile Dermaplaning blade with light strokes to simply shave the skin’s surface, removing dead and dry epidermal skin cells, while at the same time removing any “peach fuzz”, the facial Vellus hair that can trap oil and dirt, causing breakouts. A common misconception is that Dermaplaning will cause thickening of facial hair, the hair regrows 4-6 weeks later as it was prior to the treatment.
With results often compared to those of a microdermabrasion treatment, you can expect instant improvements in skin tone and texture, and long term, an increase in cell turnover with monthly treatments.
why this treatment?
First performed as a hair removal method in China over 3000 years ago, this is a great exfoliation treatment for those with sensitive skin.
Indicators that this may be the treatment for you include:
Vellus or peach hair removal
Increased product penetration and absorption
Flawless makeup application
Dry, flaky skin
Superficial hyperpigmentation
Congested pores
Prep for chemical peels
Pregnant or nursing women desiring exfoliation

what to expect
Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and avoid topical products that contain alpha or beta hydroxy acids, retinols or Retin A for approximately 48 hours.
Under no circumstances should you use a scrub type product that abrades the skin within that 48 hour period.
Your skin will be more at risk from UV so avoid sun exposure as much as possible and ensure it’s protected with an SPF 30+ sunscreen.
Avoid excessive heat 48 hours post treatment, i.e. heavy workouts, steam rooms or saunas
The skin may feel sensitive after Dermaplaning even though it doesn’t appear red or irritated.
Do not expose your skin to the sun for three or four days post treatment
Sun protection post-procedure is mandatory

ready for a more beautiful you?
Book a complimentary consultation to learn more about sweat management options.