what are moles
Although moles are usually benign and often determined by our genetics, their appearance may change over time, prompting concern or a desire to have it removed.
Our qualified team can effectively assess any moles that you may be concerned about prior to the mole removal, ensuring that you feel reassured while also looking your best.
our approach
Regular mole patrol in clinic and at home is the best way to catch changes early. The “ABCDE” approach provides guidelines for mole patrol.
A - asymmetry
B - border (irregular)
C - colour
D - diameter
E - evolution (change)
available treatments
In office biopsy available by appointment.
The ABCDE’s of Skin Cancer
With Dr. Morison
Stay Sun Safe with CMC
Avoid common mistakes like forgetting to reapply every 2 hours, limiting SPF use to sunny days, and using expired products. Protect your skin year-round with proper SPF habits
Common SPF Mistakes
2:2:2 Rule of SPF

ready for a more beautiful you?
Book a mole check with our office. If a mole appears of concern Dr. Morison can remove it and send to pathology.