what is cosmelan peel
The Cosmelan® Peel is a complete, dual-action depigmentation treatment. It has both corrective and regulating properties to treat stubborn hyperpigmentation conditions, such as Melasma. With a high concentration of active ingredients, and free from Hydroquinone, the Cosmelan Peel renews skin and eliminates melanin deposits.
how it works
The Cosmelan® Peel is the first of a 4-phase treatment plan for obtaining long-lasting results for pigmentary concerns. The peel is applied in the office and stays on for 8-12 hours, before being removed at home. After the duration of application is complete, patients are to continue with a strict 3 step home care regime for the next 6 months.
why this treatment?
With little to no discomfort, the Cosmelan® Peel can be a pain-free alternative to laser treatments. It is a hydroquinone free treatment option and can be done once to twice a year for Melasma maintenance.

what to expect
Beginning with a consultation, the treatment regime, cost, and post care are discussed. This information will all be reviewed again on the day of your treatment. We begin the treatment by cleansing and degreasing the skin to prepare it for the peel application. Unlike other peels, the Cosmelan® Peel is quite thick similar to a peanut butter consistency. Once the application is complete, you will return home wearing a Bluestone Sunshield for modesty and protection and remain at home with the peel on for the duration of application time (8-12 hours). Lightly mist the peel with water to prevent it from drying, cracking and flaking off. Follow up appointments with our office are recommended to take place 48 hours after your treatment, 2 weeks after your treatment, and at the 3 month mark for reassessments and photo documentation.
Check out the link below for a sneak peak into the Cosmelan process and cosmetic downtime!

ready for a more beautiful you?
Please give us a call for more information or to book a consultation.