Botox® Sweat Management
what is Botox® sweat management
Sweat management treatments use a Botox® injection into the sweat glands to stop the glands from producing excessive perspiration. We use Botox® for sweat management at our St. Albert clinic.
how it works
Botox® is injected into the sweat glands in a uniform pattern.
why this treatment?
Sweat management treatments can be life changing if you suffer from excessive sweating.
the process
Prior to injecting Botox® into the involved sweat glands, a topical numbing can be applied 1 hr prior to appointment and ice packs are provided prior if desired for comfort.

what to expect
How should I prepare for my procedure?
Make sure you are familiar with post care instructions prior to allow for proper preparation post treatment. (ex. Avoid strenuous exercise)
How long will the treatment take?
Treatment can take anywhere from 30 minutes (underarms) to 1.5 hours (x1 hand)
Is there anything I should avoid post-procedure?
Do NOT lie down for 4 hour after treatment. Do NOT rub or massage the treated areas today. No strenuous exercise, hot tubs or steam rooms for 24 hours.
How long will healing take?
It can take up to 14 days for treatment to take its full effect.
Can I continue my regular skin care routine?
Yes, you can continue your regular routine.
How long after my appointment will my follow up appointment take place?
Every person's body may yield different results. Generally it can last up to 6 months. Your Extended benefits may also determine how often you have coverage for treatment.

ready for a more beautiful you?
Book a complimentary consultation to learn more about sweat management options.